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Talk:William Lloyd Garrison

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Garrison on race: more than abolition


Among Americans who caused the end of slavery, Garrison must be counted among the most influential. But his importance goes far beyond that. To the best of my knowledge, Garrison was the first white American to say that blacks should have full social and political equality with whites, and to say it loudly enough that other whites heard it. That is, Garrison's critique of racism went far beyond abolition of slavery, and he was uniquely influential in this regard.

In 1961, intercity buses in the South still practiced racial segregation. The Freedom Rides were a successful protest against this practice; the riders practiced nonviolence despite brutal beatings, but eventually made their point. The Freedom Rides are mentioned in many historical works. But they were preceded by similar action in 1830's New England. The early railroads in New England practiced racial segregation. Garrison and his friends used the same tactics as the 1961 Freedom Riders; they were beaten at first, like the Freedom Riders; but they made their point and the trains were desegregated. This fact is very little known.

The above information is based on the biography All on Fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of Slavery, by Henry Mayer, ISBN 0312253672.

CNA 09:35 (UTC), 26 Feb, 2005 — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

Did the Freedom Riders also feel prosecution of Jewish people around the world was totally morally justified because Hallelujah Lord Jeezus?
It's more appropriate to compare William Lloyd "I hate Jews" Garrison to Henry Ford, the first white American to receive the Iron Cross from Hitler himself, than to the Freedom Riders who, generally speaking, did not "Agree with Herr Hitler in principle if not in practice", unlike William Lloyd Goebbels.
I believe further investigation is required to determine if, in the pages of The Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison was the first White American to publish The Protocols of The Elders of Zion. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)

"Against 'colonization'"


I can see how this information relates (obviously) to the abolitionist movement in general but how does it relate to Garrison in particular? Bayowolf (talk) 08:21, 10 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I second this concern. Neither Garrison nor the AASS (nor even the abolitionist movement in general) are mentioned at any point in this section, which is especially odd given that the title implies the section is about opposition to the American Colonization Society's project in present-day Liberia. Furthermore, there is not a single source cited in this section. This begs questions of both relevance and verifiability. I agree with Bayowolf that this topic is potentially relevant to the Garrison article, but in its current state it is not, in my opinion. Bookmarx (talk) 17:49, 24 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I third this Concern. William Lloyd "Hitler had the right idea he just didn't go far enough" Garrison was antisemitic dog-shit and does not deserve any additional allocades beyond "He opposed Slavery or some shit I guess." (talk) 04:56, 5 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Well. I and my history of trying to force this article to acknowledge Garrison as an antisemite in the first paragraph of his page stand corrected by the researchers who dug up some passage in which the old ass proved he could, in fact, see Jewish people as human beings; saw the pogroms as comparable to slavery, and resisted efforts to make "Believes Jesus is God and is a Christian" a qualifier of American Citizenship.

Still, I maintain Garrison's earlier attitudes reeked of the lowest forms of Antisemitism. Ignorance of conditions outside of his own 'county' is a flimsy excuse. The man implied he was aware of discrimination against Jewish people and it was, in fact, a good thing.

But I care far less, I suppose, if he found his empathy once again. (talk) 17:23, 21 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]